
ТОВ «Агро-Оптіма»

Agro-Optima LLC

an enterprise that specializes in growing cereals and industrial crops.

Захід-Агро МХП

West Agro MHP

an enterprise that specializes in growing cereals and industrial crops.

ТОВ «Малтюроп Юкрейн»

Malteurop LLC

a subsidiary of the Malteurop Group.

Компанія Louis Dreyfus (LDC)

Louis Dreyfus (LDC) is a light buyer and processor of agricultural products.

ТОВ “Сервіс-Агрозахід”

TOV “Service-Agrozakhid” is a company, as an official distributor of a wealth of light companies-fertilizers in high-quality funds for the protection of growth, planting material, having developed that strong support technology, including exclusive.

Група компаній СУФФЛЕ

The SUFFLE group of companies is a French family agro-industrial group of international scale.


OLIYAR is a strong Ukrainian company on the market of tall olives.

ТОВ «Норбілк Агрі»

TOV "Norbilk Agri" - enterprise, as it specializes in the cultivation of grain and industrial crops.


Kernel is the leading supplier of the world and the largest producer and exporter of Sonyashnikov's oil in Ukraine, the key supplier of agricultural products from the region of the Black Sea basin in the world market.

ТОВ «Агрокультура Мостиська»

TOV "Agrokultura Mostiska" - enterprise, as it specializes in the cultivation of grain and industrial crops.